Friday, September 20, 2013


1940s fashion is by far my favorite decade of fashion. This was happening during World War II, and for one of the first times in our history women started gaining some power.

With the "We Can Do It!" slogan, women became something more than just housewives. After watching the movie "The Notebook," I fell in love with the 40s. Everything about it, I wanted to be alive during that time! The way Allie Hamilton dressed was amazing and I fell in love with the look.

Because of the war, fabric was being rationalized and people had to start experimenting with different fabrics than what was the normal. Since there was less fabric available, women started shortening their skirts in an effort to make more out of the fabric that they did have. 

Hair styles changed too with the war. Short hair became a thing of the past and all the women wanted to have long hair. "Victory rolls," "pin curls" and "finger waves" were the popular hair styles and most women added headbands or small hats to their hair to add a new look. 


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